What Could We Do with $192 Billion?
Dear Friends of ROUSH CleanTech,
Public and private fleets are choosing vehicles powered by autogas for the benefits of a significantly lower-cost fuel compared to diesel and gasoline. Many fleets are seeing fuel cost savings up to 50 percent, which is simply smart business.
But, did you know that by using autogas we are also making a significant push to improve our country’s energy security?
Our country imports oil to the tune of $192 billion each year (according to fueleconomy.gov). Seventy-three percent of that is controlled by OPEC members.
Think how much we could contribute to our economy — and strengthen our nation — if we used domestic fuel sources instead.
Propane autogas is an American transportation fuel that reduces our nation’s dependence on foreign oil. More than 90 percent of the United States propane autogas supply is produced domestically, with an additional 7 percent from Canada. By fueling with autogas, we keep those dollars, jobs, manufacturing and future innovation on U.S. soil.
One industry making a huge impact is school bus transportation. With more than 5,000 autogas school buses on the road today, the school bus industry will eliminate more than 18 million gallons of diesel, which equates to 1.8 million barrels of oil. At today’s price of $67 per barrel, these industry leaders are retaining $120 million that we would normally have shipped off to other countries that don’t share our ideologies.
So, I’d like to ask you a question. What do you think our nation could do with $192 billion if we weren’t shipping it overseas?
Merry Christmas and happy holidays!
Todd Mouw