We have had a successful year at ROUSH CleanTech, thanks in large part to our valued partners and the progress we’ve made in field operations. Here’s a look back at a few 2014 highlights:
December 17, 2014 — H&S Bakery, a long-standing provider of hearth-baked goods, unveiled its fleet of clean-operating alternatively fueled vehicles today.
12.17.2014 — H&S Bakery, along-standing provider of hearth-baked goods,unveiled its fleet of clean-operating alternatively fueled vehicles today.
After discussing and researching the possibilities of harnessing green-energy options, officials in the Bloomfield Central School District made the move toward renewable energy as part of the 2014 capital project… (Brighton-Pittsford Post)
Public and private fleets are choosing vehicles powered by autogas for the benefits of a significantly lower-cost fuel compared to diesel and gasoline. Many fleets are seeing savings up to 50 percent, which is simply smart business. But did you know that by using autogas we are also making a significant push to improve our country’s energy security?
It all started with quality hardware. In the early days of personal computing, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates realized the high standards necessary to grow that market. They both worked diligently toward that end, testing and retesting their components. The proof of success is not only the fact that there are computers in virtually every household, but what the Apple and Microsoft brands have become today.