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Derek Roch

Catching the Horse Up to the Cart

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Regardless of individual thoughts on the future of electric vehicles, the announcement of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Clean School Bus Program (CSBP) arrived with much fanfare, as the industry collectively applauded the first sizeable pot of federal funding support for school busing.

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Kingston schools to use propane fueled buses

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The Kingston Community School District has made the switch to using a propane fueled bus fleet starting this fall for the 2023-24 school year.

According to ROUSH CleanTech, the school district leased six Blue Bird propane buses and committed to a two-year cost for propane at $1.50 per gallon. This is a 62 percent savings over its diesel price.

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From First Conversations to Hitting the Road: What to Know About Propane Autogas

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For many years, alternative fueled vehicles, in particular, propane autogas, were often viewed as an aspirational goal rather than a priority. But as new emissions regulations have tightened and environmental concerns have been raised, alternative fuel vehicles, including propane autogas vehicles, have moved from a “trend” to a need. As a low-cost, low-carbon energy source, more and more fleet owners from coast-to-coast are transitioning to propane autogas. 

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Propane on the Wide Path of Emissions Reductions

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On the path to zero, propane plays an important role in fighting environmental justice issues

In the collective effort to reduce emissions for a healthier planet, it will take a wide path to zero and a variety of energy sources to enact real change. Whether it’s due to cost, availability, performance, or any number of other factors, there is no one clean energy source that will solve all the world’s energy needs. In fact, waiting for a one-size-fits-all energy source to emerge might be contributing to larger issues.

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