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The pace of transportation innovation will continue to quicken

By July 10, 2023July 11th, 2023Blog

The pace of transportation innovation will continue to quicken

What will our transportation world look like in the year 2030 with the goal to make half of all new vehicles sold zero-emissions? What it took the automotive industry to accomplish in 100 years will again happen over the next 10 years.

Is it really possible to completely phase diesel out of vocational trucks and school buses? What transportation fuels will take its place?

In the next seven years, it’s likely that renewable gasoline, propane and renewable propane, compressed natural gas, electric vehicles (EVs) and hydrogen-powered vehicles will gain significant traction. Each of these reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality.

More than 90,000 class 6-7 were sold in North America in 2022. To replace that many diesel trucks with cleaner alternatives, we need to take an all-encompassing strategy. Accomplishing this will involve a combination of measures such as adopting multiple types of fuels within a fleet, improving charging and fueling infrastructure, and offering financial assistance or tax incentives to fleet operators. We also have to ensure that the solutions adopted are resilient and can move goods and people in times of emergency when our electric grid has been compromised.

Some European countries have made significant progress in transitioning away from diesel. Countries like Norway and the Netherlands have been at the forefront of EV adoption, while other nations have implemented strict emission standards and regulations. Learning from their experiences, policies and initiatives provides valuable insights that will help for our nation accelerate the transition to clean fuels and transportation.

Yet, it’s tough to predict specific advancements that haven’t even been thought of yet. With ongoing R&D in areas like energy storage, advanced materials, autonomous vehicles and alternative propulsion systems, future tech will bring unexpected breakthroughs that could further reshape the transportation landscape.

The future of commercial transportation is unpredictable yet filled with possibilities. Without research, innovation and the American spirit, we would still be driving horse-drawn buggies.

I hope you and your family had a fantastic Fourth of July and enjoy the rest of your summer!

Here’s what I’m reading this month: