STN East Customer Testimonials
At the STN East Expo 2023 in Indianapolis, two transportation directors that currently operate propane school buses in their district, talk about their experiences with the advanced technology.
Reliability Is Key!
Diana Mikelski, Transportation Director at Township 211 in IL, speaks about her experiences in the cold and unpredictable weather with propane-powered school buses.
“This Is So Easy!”
Diana Mikelski, Transportation Director at Township 211 in IL, speaks on maintenance costs, overall ease of use and the pros of her experience with propane.
Propane = Green, but Propane = Money, Too
Kay Cornelius, Transportation director at St. Louis County School District in MN, discusses how propane has all the benefits of being green, but it doesn’t just end there!
Real-World Maintenance Savings
Kay Cornelius, Transportation Director at St. Louis County School Districts in MN, talks on what changes in maintenance costs she saw by switching to propane.