Propane Autogas is a Win-Win for Postal Market
Last week, Hi Pro, Inc., a postal service contractor with a location in the Denver metro area, unveiled its new propane autogas trucks and fueling infrastructure at a ribbon cutting ceremony. There was a recurring theme throughout the day: Propane autogas makes sense for the postal service because the emissions-reducing, cost-cutting fuel and vehicle technology are available today.
Propane autogas vehicles — like Hi Pro’s new trucks — are proven to reduce greenhouse gases and NOx emissions to near-zero levels. According to Drive Clean Colorado, a Clean Cities coalition, the company’s propane trucks have a comparable lifetime low-carbon footprint to electric vehicles, but achieve results at a fraction of the price over the lifecycle of the truck. Each truck will produce 281 metric tons of CO2 less per year than the same EV trucks, which would rely on Colorado’s electric grid for charging and operating needs.

This is not a knock on electric trucks, but rather a showcase for a fuel and technology that is “ready for primetime” while the other technologies and their ecosystems mature.
USPS’s Jennifer Beiro-Réveillére remarked that propane autogas is a viable solution to provide contractors with the low-emissions energy they need to best service their communities.
Greg Reed from the National Star Route Mail Contractors Association agreed that propane autogas is a reliable domestic source of energy, and if there is anything that should move with a reliable, domestic source of energy it is the mail. He said that the postal service is embracing this technology and urging more contractors to use it.
PERC’s Steve Whaley added that propane is affordable and abundant — and reduces carbon emissions right now. In addition, propane is reliable. Millions of Americans rely on propane for dependable energy at home, at work and on the road. And it’s a stable energy source to support Americans when the electric grid fails.

And, as Hi Pro, Inc. CEO Joshua Stoneback summed it up, “It’s a win-win for everyone.”
The next wave of customers is following Hi Pro’s commitment to clean energy. These 100+ propane trucks will collectively displace 1.7 million gallons of diesel and its harmful emissions.
Contact us to learn more about how you can adopt this readily available, clean energy into your fleet.
Enjoy the balance of these beautiful Summer days!