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Low NOx Engines Make a Difference

Low NOx Engines Make a Difference

For one Washington school district, choosing the lowest NOx propane engine on the market made all the difference. Because of the district’s choice, it was able to receive an additional $10,000 per bus from the Volkswagen Settlement’s Environmental Mitigation Trust funding. Now, Bethel School District will be able to add nine new Blue Bird Vision Propane buses equipped with 0.02 NOx engines to its fleet.

The school district, which currently operates 28 propane buses, was an early adopter of propane buses in its state. They made their first purchase in 2015 with the help of Brandon Bryson of Bryson Sales and Service. This recent purchase will be the first 0.02 NOx engine buses sold!

Like this opportunity for Bryson’s customer, the 0.02 NOx engine can potentially open up more funding opportunities in your state, as well. With this new ultra-low NOx engine option, you can sell the advantages of emission reductions and also the financial benefits from grant funding that can help defray the cost of the bus.

For more information about ROUSH CleanTech’s 0.02 NOx propane engine and its benefits, download talking points here.