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Let’s leave the world a better place

By September 6, 2024September 10th, 2024Blog

Let’s leave the world a better place

At Roush, we take the topic of reducing emissions seriously because everyone has the right to breathe clean air. 

Every day, we leverage more than 50 years of powertrain and product development expertise to make the world a better place. One of our corporate goals is to develop products that reduce emissions and increase sustainability in an economically viable way. And we’re proud to be a part of success stories for some of the greatest and most visionary organizations in the world, like Blue Bird Corporation, with which we’ve helped put more than 40,000 buses on the road.

With an innovative spirit, our interdisciplinary team of experts are willing to explore outside traditional or narrowly focused methods. Creativity, innovation and progress simply cannot happen if Roush or our customers only concentrate on one solution to a clean and sustainable future.

That’s why we support a broad range of technology solutions that make sense for individual applications — not one sole option for every fleet. These include the development of ultra-low-nitrogen oxide propane autogas vehicles, battery electric vehicles, fuel-cell models, hybrids and others. We’re also in conversations about complex sustainability projects, from onboard carbon dioxide capture for semi-trucks to space thin-film durable solar material for aerospace vehicles.

I believe that everyone in the alternative fuel space has the same goal: to reduce emissions as quickly as possible so that our communities are safer, cleaner and healthier. If we work together and lean on our collective wisdom, passion and creativity, I’m certain we can achieve that goal.

Here’s what I’m reading this month: