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Cleaner Fuel Makes a Difference for a Thousand Schools

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For the past decade, school districts have been making changes to their fleets in an effort to provide a cleaner, safer transportation option. Investing in a change like that has required schools to make major decisions about budgets, ease-of-transition and total cost of ownership. The path to zero emissions is wide, but can often come with costs that most districts simply cannot afford.

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Unveiling Autogas: The Superior Choice For Fleet Management

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Autogas is a growing sector of the propane industry — one that’s important to stay informed about as the industry works harder and harder to get more fleets to implement the fuel. Ahead, Derek Rimko, vice president of operations for Superior Energy Systems, and Todd Mouw, executive vice president for ROUSH CleanTech, provide insights into refueling infrastructure, the best talking points in discussions with fleet management, and why this fuel stands out as the superior choice for propane marketers as well.

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Why the Solution is Propane for Electric Bus Fleets, Too

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A Sunday Green Bus Summit session invited districts with propane and electric school buses to compare the two and share how they are both being used to meet emissions goals.

David Walters, director of autogas business development for session sponsor the Propane Education & Research Council (PERC), reviewed the cost and emissions savings that propane has brought districts but noted that many of today’s mandates require zero-emissions vehicles, which means electric school buses (ESBs).

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Working Toward a Collaborative Clean Energy Future

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On a recent episode of the “Path to Zero” podcast, I spoke with Christine Obiaya, CEO of Heliogen. Her company uses concentrated solar energy, augmented with artificial intelligence, to create heat and energy storage for a variety of applications. I sat fascinated as she explained how her company’s technology combines with other technology to create green hydrogen.

So why was I, a propane guy, talking with a solar expert about green hydrogen?

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