Horlock delves into school bus market trends & shares what challenges he wants to help schools overcome
After switching to propane autogas, this fleet saw an immediate reduction in spending, along with increased efficiency.
Hi-Pro Inc., a postal service contractor in the Denver metro area, is now providing cleaner mail delivery to the communities it serves with new propane vehicles.
The conversation around clean energy for student transportation has never been as loud as it has since the EPA announced the Clean School Bus funds. As that conversation has grown, it’s becoming more apparent than ever that it will take a diverse energy mix to quickly enact real emissions reductions in student transportation.
Superior Energy Systems has reached a milestone of more than 100 million gallons of fuel pumped through its line of PRO-Vend 2000 propane autogas dispensers, announced the company known for its propane midstream and autogas installations.
Today, let’s engage in a healthy debate between two heavy duty fuels in the world of transportation: diesel and propane autogas. While the upcoming four years has the potential to hold political and economic changes, one thing remains constant: propane is an affordable, clean, steady solution for transportation needs in nearly every industry.