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February 2010

Love Your Country’s Fuels

By Blog, Fuel for Thought

Over the recent holidays, I heard a friend say, “The cost of gasoline sure has dropped. I filled up for less than $50 today.”As he was saying that, tensions with Iran were on the rise. And, little did he know, his next fill-up would be more expensive, and the one after that even higher, and the following a bit more costly.

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Preservation of American Know-How

By Blog, Fuel for Thought

I recently delivered a keynote speech regarding the development of alternative fuel technology; however, this time I pursued a different angle with my message.The “green/clean” energy message is crisp and clear to everyone willing to listen. I decided we needed to peel the layers back a little further and identify other benefits of deploying sources of domestic energy.Consider this …

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Alternative Fuel Adoption is Catching On

By Blog, Fuel for Thought

I’m having a good week. I’ve received eight direct phone calls this week from prospective fleets interested in alternative fuel technology. Each of them I would consider more than “a little interested.”Since we, like many efficient companies, have a well-organized structure that channels sales interest through our sales organization, these typically go through my sales V.P. and his team.

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Green is Good — Green is Better

By Blog, Fuel for Thought

I’ve blogged. I’ve met with countless fleet managers. I’ve met with Congressmen and Senators. I’ve been the keynote speaker at conventions.I hear the same thing over and over: alternative fuels have a solid message that makes folks generally excited about greening the environment. In fact, in some of the more advanced companies, fleet managers are adopting a more sophisticated performance outlook on their fleet, which includes emissions tracking.

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Sustainability All-Stars

By Blog, Fuel for Thought

It’s one thing to love your profession.Do you find your mission rewarding?Does it compel you to put everything you have into it because there’s a greater good stake — and that’s how you were raised?Do you wake up in the middle of the night because inspiration hit and you discovered a solution to your problem?

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Is Something Big About to Happen?

By Blog, Fuel for Thought

I’ve got this feeling something big is about to happen. Do you ever feel like that? Like all the signs are pointing in one direction and you find yourself on the edge of your seat trying to stake your claim in the race before it’s over. I’m sure there are more than a few businessmen who didn’t listen to their internal ‘drive to succeed’ and kick themselves daily for not jumping at the offer to own shares in Apple or Google or Facebook or any of the other tech-trends that have escalated to viral proportions.

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Perfect Fuel

By Blog, Fuel for Thought

Do you have in your mind what the perfect fuel for your fleet looks like?I tried to sketch it out today. Here’s what I came up with (this is awesome —kind of like doing a fantasy football draft):1.Zero Emissions2.100 percent domestic

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30,000,000 Barrels of Oil

By Blog, Fuel for Thought

“Wary of a new surge in gas prices, the Obama administration … is selling off 30 million barrels of oil from the country’s emergency reserves as a part of a broader internal response to lost oil supplies caused by turmoil in the Middle East and North Africa, particularly Libya. The release from the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve will be the largest ever, amounting to half of a 60 million-barrel international infusion of oil planned for the world market over the next month.”

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Leaders: It’s Your Turn

By Blog, Fuel for Thought

I’ve blogged about leadership before, but would like to take another run at it. The reason? As leaders of the North American fleet world, now is our collective chance to provoke change like never before.While we all know leadership is important, when it comes your turn to lead, do you really have the guts to make it happen? Can you be a successful leader?

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Something of Significance

By Blog, Fuel for Thought

Please let this serve as only a simple reminder.We Americans are smart. We read the paper every day. We watch “Headline News.” We keep informed. We are all aware of the pending oil supply and demand pinch that is looming.I was reading through some various sites trying to remind (and update) myself on how China is progressing on their mission to consume more of the globe’s oil.

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