Priorities Shift with Back to School
The pandemic has certainly altered the way kids will return to school for the 2020-21 school year. And that includes changes with school bus transportation.
Student transportation, the largest transit system in the country, has focused consistently on safety first. In today’s world, the meaning of school bus safety has shifted. Usually, it means ensuring a safe ride for students, installing features like rollover protection and cross-view mirrors, and switching to clean fuels to reduce harmful diesel emissions. Safety priorities now are refocused to protecting the health of students and employees against the coronavirus.
Across the nation, school districts are implementing coronavirus task forces. They are sharing insights and strategies about the technology, supplies and programs that districts need to educate students during the pandemic. To help guide school districts, top school bus association representatives have created Student Transportation Aligned for Return to School (STARTS). Its purpose is to develop specific recommendations and best practices and resources that are useful to the school bus industry as it works to respond to the unprecedented challenges of school reopenings in the context of COVID-19.
As we all shift our priorities to meet daily demands, know that ROUSH CleanTech is here supporting our customers and continuing to innovate clean transportation technologies. We all want to get students back to school safely, and we will continue to work with our strategic partner, Blue Bird, to get this done.
Stay safe and enjoy the remaining days of summer!