Mobile Repair Technicians Take Service to the Customer
Did you know that some Blue Bird dealers offer mobile repair service for their propane bus customers? Designated field technicians drive to a customer site to diagnose and repair their customer’s bus, instead of having the bus towed or driven to the dealership, which saves the customer time and helps drive positive customer satisfaction.
With mobile repair services, your customers can experience a quicker turnaround on repairs, many of which can be fixed on the spot. “We had one case where our field service technician was called before the propane school bus returned from its morning route. He was there when it got to the yard, and was able to fix the bus,” said Robert Kanter, vice president of Bryson Sales and Service in Washington. “And, that bus was ready for its afternoon route.” He cautions that all repairs don’t happen like this — but it’s great when they do!
There are many considerations when adding mobile repair services to your dealership. For instance, do you have current employees who would make great field service technicians? Or would you need to hire an outside resource? Are your customers spread over a large area or close by? Dealerships with customers not near their brick and mortar location may find mobile service advantageous to both their customers and themselves.
Kanter says Bryson has always offered mobile repair service for diesel bus customers, so doing the same for their propane customers was a given. “Having field service technicians is a staple of Bryson,” said Kanter. “When a new technician is hired, they are trained in our operations and the products. We also send our technicians to training at ROUSH CleanTech to learn specifically about the propane system.
“If I offered advice to other Blue Bird dealers, I would say that having this service just makes sense to grow your market share and service the customer,” Kanter said.