Alternative Fuel Adoption is Catching On
I’m having a good week.
I’ve received eight direct phone calls this week from prospective fleets interested in alternative fuel technology. Each of them I would consider more than “a little interested.”
Since we, like many efficient companies, have a well-organized structure that channels sales interest through our sales organization, these typically go through my sales V.P. and his team. My first thought was that maybe there was a routing problem in our customer management. Nope, I should have known, we are too well organized for that.
So I talked to our sales team about how it was going for them. Same story — new account inquiries have increased significantly, and specifically right now.
Between the advertising, the existing customer testimonials, the shows and conventions, the media attention to domestic and alternative fuels, the realization of bottom-line improvements, this blog, our Facebook page, our demonstrator loaner program and our web site — the message has moved from information to activation.
I personally thank each of you for your interest and / or adoption of the alternative fuel message.
Here’s today’s fuel for thought …
I’m only one barometer, but I’d venture a guess that others in the manufacturing and supply role are seeing / hearing / feeling the same momentum. It’s the beginning of a cultural shift in favor of domestic sources of energy adoption.
Keep up the good work — you changed the world today.