Mesa Unified School District No. 4 in Phoenix, Ariz., knew that they needed a cleaner alternative to diesel to fuel their school buses, which transport more than 19,000 children to and from school each day.
Users of propane-fueled vehicles don’t tank up at places that fill barbeque bottles, but at outlets that sell “autogas,” which is what propane’s called elsewhere in the world… (Construction Equipment)
While propane has made its biggest impact in light-duty vehicles, it now is fueling everything from street sweepers to school buses… (Commercial Carrier Journal)
Blue Bird Corp. was recently honored by the Middle Georgia Clean Air Coalition for its commitment and success in bringing alternative-fueled school bus transportation to the market… (School Bus Fleet)
Clean Cities partners with the National Park Service through the Clean Cities National Parks Initiative to support transportation projects that educate park visitors on the benefits of reducing dependence on petroleum… (National Parks Service)